Hazard Markers

Hazard Markers

Hazard signs are used to highlight to approaching traffic a marked change in the direction of travel and the presence and width of an obstruction.

Guide signs are generally rectangular. Hazard signs are rectangular and generally consist of a series of alternate black and white bands. The white portion is always reflectorized, but the reflective material may cover only the central portion of each white band to achieve a balance between the areas of black and white under headlight illumination. The bands may consist of either diagonal strips where only a target is required, or of chevrons where directional, as well as target, properties are desirable.

Typically, there are 4 types of hazard marker:

  1. Uni-directional Hazard Marker – used to guide approaching traffic to the direction indicated by the chevrons i.e. to the left or right as required.
  2. Bi-directional Hazard Marker – used to delineate the nose of an island or other obstruction where traffic may pass the obstruction on either side.
  3. Width Marker – normally erected in pairs, one on either side of a vertical obstruction facing in the direction of traffic flow.
  4. Obstruction Marker – used to delineate obstructions such as road closures or obstructions above the road.
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